About Us
This project is managed by Nancy Flynn and Tresa Laferty.
We are digging into the meaning of this life with sheepdogs. This is a life that has taken us by the hand, by the arm, and sometimes by the scruff of the neck, into a new way of being. What are we to learn from these fellow travelers who insist on so many changes from us? How do we navigate the journey while accepting unbridled joy and paralyzing frustration – often having a glimpse at our own genius for insight quickly followed by a realization that we missed a big piece of the picture. We can’t go back, nor would we choose to, as this sheepdog journey has us captivated.
We are going forward.
Join us. It’s ON.
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Check out our blog page. Be sure to join in the FaceBook group too. Now, here’s a little bit more about us.
Nancy Flynn
Nancy Flynn’s lifelong dream was to have a dog. In 1991 this dream came true with a little freckle faced puppy from a sheep farm in Northern Illinois. Putting a lead on that pup was a gateway to new ways of learning, struggle, and delight.
A move to a farm, more border collies, a truck, and a flock of sheep set the stage for a new journey. Training and handling sheepdogs became a passion that occupies a huge part of life today. Pursuing knowledge from National and International figures have filled in some of the gaps in understanding, but there is so much more to be learned. And there is no doubt that the layers of understanding, when it comes to training a sheepdog to be the best that they can be, may be endless. And then here is the Handler….
Over the many years of sheepdog training and trialing there has been a common theme. It’s that we can’t get to where we wish to go without making a significant change in ourselves. There is an old saying in sailing that whatever conflicts you have in life; they will be magnified by a lot when you get out on the open water. This is true of sheepdogs as well. Sometimes the allure of the sheepdog world is just that – a chance for a profound change. Sometimes it just looks like so much fun that you can’t see the hard work, determination, struggle, life changing conflicts and joy until it’s too late to back out of it!
This project is the result of many discussions about how a person’s life can be taken over by sheepdogs and sheep. And how, it seems, we are the better for it.
Tresa Laferty
Tresa Laferty has lived with border collies since 1995 when she and her husband brought home littermates. It was kind of a “his and hers” and it worked out well. Over the many years that followed, Tresa saw how deeply these dogs changed her life and those around her. As her handling skills (and dog talent) improved, Tresa began trailing in AKC and AHBA venues.
Tresa competed in her first “open field” trial or USBCHA-style in the fall of 2010. At this trail, she was met with supportive handlers and was inspired to become more involved in this “sport.” Since then, she has delved deep into this community by being on organizing committees, serving on boards, helping to host/set up trials, volunteering numerous hours and changing her life to suit her deep passion of this way of living. She and her husband live on a small hobby farm in southeastern Wisconsin. When people visit and ask where the doghouse is, her husband jovially responds “there” as he points to the 2 story home sitting in the middle of the property. She and Don have been hosting a Novice/Ranch trial since 2011 and she can be seen at the post or volunteering at many trials.
To this project “Wisdom from the Field,” Tresa brings her love of border collies, interest in Eastern philosophy and religion and her formal training as a Ayurvedic Practitioner. Through her lens, she sees the world of sheepdogs as a platform of inner work, personal transformation and profound joy. A favorite quote is “nobody knows what you walk to the post carrying,” meaning, as you walk to the post, no one really knows what the journey was like to get you there. This is can be deep work and can certainly bring up a ton of “life lessons” to work through. Tresa hopes to bring more love, acceptance and support to this sacred work of “runnin’ dawgs.”